What Are the Key Elements in Planning a Sustainable Event for UK Corporate Meetings?

April 22, 2024

In an age of climate crisis, it is essential to make every facet of our lives as eco-friendly as possible. This includes the events we host and attend. From corporate meetings to casual gatherings, sustainability should be at the forefront of our planning process. In this article, we will discuss key elements in planning a sustainable event for UK corporate meetings. We will delve into the importance of selecting a green venue, reducing food waste, considering carbon emissions, conserving energy, and engaging attendees in sustainability efforts.

Choosing a Green Venue

The choice of venue can have a significant impact on the sustainability of an event. A green venue is one that operates with eco-friendly practices and aims to reduce its carbon footprint. These venues typically utilise energy-efficient systems, recycle waste, and source food and drink locally.

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When choosing a venue for your event, consider its location. A venue that is easily accessible by public transport can help to reduce the carbon emissions associated with travel. Additionally, look for venues that have energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, and consider how waste will be managed at the venue. A truly green venue will have a recycling program in place and will work to minimise the amount of waste generated.

Reducing Food Waste

Food waste is a significant issue, contributing to both carbon emissions and unnecessary expenditure. It is crucial to consider how you can reduce food waste when planning your event.

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One of the best ways to achieve this is by accurately gauging the number of attendees and planning your food quantities accordingly. You might also consider serving smaller portion sizes to discourage waste, or having a plan in place to donate leftover food to a local charity.

Choosing local, seasonal food is another excellent way to reduce the carbon footprint of your event. This not only eliminates the emissions associated with transporting food long distances, but it also supports local farmers and promotes a healthier, more sustainable food system.

Considering Carbon Emissions

Every element of your event, from the transportation of attendees to the energy used to power the venue, contributes to total carbon emissions. To plan a truly sustainable event, it’s crucial to consider these emissions and take steps to reduce them.

One effective strategy is to encourage attendees to travel to the venue using public transport, carpooling, or other low-emission modes of transport. You could also offset the carbon emissions of your event by investing in carbon offset projects, such as tree planting initiatives or renewable energy programs.

Furthermore, consider the energy efficiency of your event. This involves selecting a venue with energy-efficient infrastructure and minimising the use of energy-intensive equipment.

Conserving Energy

Energy conservation is another key element of planning a sustainable event. This involves both selecting a venue with energy-efficient infrastructure and minimising the use of energy-intensive equipment.

An energy-efficient venue may have features like LED lighting, high-efficiency HVAC systems, and solar panels. It’s also worth considering the layout of the venue and how this might impact energy use. For example, a compact venue requires less energy to heat and light than a sprawling one.

When it comes to equipment, choose options that are energy-efficient. For instance, opt for LED screens over LCD or plasma ones, as they use less electricity. If possible, use natural light instead of artificial lighting to further reduce your event’s energy consumption.

Engaging Attendees in Sustainability Efforts

Last but certainly not least, consider how you can engage attendees in your sustainability efforts. After all, an event is only truly sustainable if everyone involved is committed to minimising their impact on the environment.

There are many ways to encourage attendee participation in your event’s sustainability initiatives. You might provide information about the sustainability measures you’ve implemented and why they’re important, or invite attendees to contribute to a carbon offset project. You could also encourage attendees to bring their own water bottles or coffee cups to reduce waste.

By involving attendees in your sustainability efforts, you not only help to make your event more eco-friendly, but also inspire attendees to carry these sustainable practices into their own lives.

Incorporating Renewable Energy Sources

With the increasing environmental concerns, renewable energy has become a key player in the event management industry. Transitioning from conventional energy sources to renewable ones is a sustainable objective that a corporate event should strive to achieve. An environmentally friendly event powered by renewable energy not only leaves a smaller carbon footprint, but also sends a strong message about the company’s commitment to sustainability goals.

The venue plays a crucial role in determining the event’s energy source. A venue that operates on renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, drastically reduces the event’s carbon emissions. While sourcing such a venue can be challenging, it’s an investment that pays off in the long term, both in terms of environmental impact and company image.

Besides, if the chosen venue doesn’t already use renewable energy, event planners can explore the possibility of bringing in temporary solutions, such as portable solar-powered generators. These can be used to power everything from the event lighting to the audio-visual equipment.

Finally, it’s also worth considering how renewable energy could be integrated into the event marketing. This might involve highlighting the use of renewable energy in promotional materials or offering interactive exhibits at the meeting, where attendees can learn more about the importance of renewable energy.

Crafting a Comprehensive Waste Management Plan

Waste management is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of planning a green event. A comprehensive waste management plan is essential to minimise the environmental impact of your corporate meeting. This plan should look beyond simply recycling, taking a holistic approach to reducing, reusing, and recycling waste generated at the event.

Start by reducing potential waste at the source. This could involve digitalising event materials, such as programmes or tickets, to minimise paper usage. When physical materials are necessary, opt for recycled or recyclable materials whenever possible.

Next, consider how you can reuse items. For example, decorations could be saved for future events, or gifted to attendees as a memento. For food waste, consider partnering with a composting company or a local farmer who can turn food scraps into nutrient-rich soil.

Lastly, set up a robust recycling system. Clear signage indicating what can be recycled and where is important. For a larger corporate event, you might even consider hiring a sustainability professional to oversee the waste management plan and ensure its successful implementation.


Creating eco-friendly, sustainable events is no longer a choice but a necessity. Event planning must evolve to meet the urgent need for sustainability, addressing every detail from venue selection to food quantity, from energy usage to waste management. By considering the carbon emissions of each decision, companies can drastically reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.

Planning a sustainable corporate event requires a shift in thinking, a commitment to sustainable objectives, and the courage to innovate. But the payoff is significant: a successful, sustainable event not only makes a positive environmental impact but also enhances the company’s reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.

In the face of a climate crisis, let’s commit to making our events sustainable, making each corporate meeting a step towards a more sustainable future. Remember, every eco-friendly event is a victory for our planet.