How to Design Real Estate Projects to Withstand Increased Flooding Risks in the UK?

April 22, 2024

The threat and reality of flooding pose a significant challenge to property developers in the UK. The link between climate change and increased rainfall, coupled with high tides and river flow, heightens the risk of flooding in many areas. This necessitates the effective planning and design of real estate projects to build resilience against such environmental challenges. It’s no longer just about building homes, it’s about designing properties that can withstand, adapt and bounce back from flooding. This article delves into how to design real estate projects to mitigate the increasing risk of flooding in the UK.

Understanding The Flood Risk: Key to Resilient Building Design

Before initiating any development, it is crucial to comprehend the flood risk associated with the potential building site. As part of the planning phase, robust flood risk assessments should be conducted to understand the potential vulnerabilities of the area.

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Flood risk assessments take into account various factors such as the property’s geographical location, its proximity to water bodies, the local climate, the area’s flooding history, and future climate change projections. By understanding these factors, property developers can tailor the design of their real estate projects to meet specific local flood risks.

Insurance companies and local authorities usually have detailed flood maps that demarcate flood zones, which are areas at risk of flooding. These maps can help determine whether a site is within a flood zone and, if so, the degree of risk it poses.

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Incorporating Flood Resilient Design Features

Once the flood risk is understood, the design phase can begin. Flood-resilient house designs can significantly reduce the cost of damage caused by flooding, and help residents return to their homes sooner after a flood.

Water-resistant materials should be used in the construction of homes in flood-prone areas. These include concrete, marine plywood, stainless or galvanized steel, and closed-cell insulation. These materials can withstand water exposure without significant damage.

The design should also feature elevated structures. This could be through raising the entire building or the critical areas such as the electrical and HVAC systems. The building should also incorporate easy-to-drain designs to allow water to flow out efficiently once the flood recedes.

Integrating Flood Mitigation Measures into the Environment

Apart from the design of the individual properties, the overall landscape of the development should also be designed with flood resilience in mind. Integrating flood mitigation measures into the environment is crucial, including measures like creating natural drainage systems, constructing flood storage areas, and preserving or creating wetlands to absorb excess water.

Strategic planting of trees and vegetation can also play a significant role in flood risk reduction. They slow down water flow, help absorb excess water, and prevent soil erosion.

Local planning policies often support these types of “soft” engineering solutions because they are usually cheaper and more environmentally friendly than “hard” engineering solutions like constructing levees or flood walls.

Navigating the Planning and Regulatory Environment

To ensure that a development is resilient to flooding, understanding and navigating the local planning and regulatory environment is essential. Local authorities have specific guidelines related to flood risk management to ensure all new developments do not increase flood risk or are not unduly at risk of flooding themselves.

Developers need to adhere to these guidelines, which might dictate what can be built in flood risk areas, the design features that need to be included, and the flood risk assessments required.

Additionally, working with local authorities and communities can help developers understand the local flood risk better and design developments that fit well with the local environment and meet community needs.

The Cost of Building Resilience

While incorporating flood-resilient design features and environmental measures can seem costly upfront, they can save significant amounts in the long term.

According to the Association of British Insurers, the average insurance claim for flood damage is £50,000. This is significantly higher than the average claim for fire damage at £11,000. Building in resilience from the start can help avoid these costs and lower insurance premiums.

The truth is, the cost of not building resilience is far higher. As the risk of flooding increases with climate change, we need to ensure our homes and communities are prepared. By designing real estate projects with flood resilience in mind, we can protect properties, lives, and the environment.

Embracing Sustainable Drainage Systems

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) have emerged as an essential component in flood-resilient real estate design in the UK. SuDS are designed to mimic natural drainage, reducing the impact of new and existing developments on flood risk. They also improve water quality, encourage biodiversity, provide amenity value, and promote health and wellbeing.

These systems can range from simple solutions such as rain gardens and permeable pavements to more complex measures like detention basins and constructed wetlands. Rain gardens are shallow depressions planted with wetland or wet-prone plants that can absorb runoff from roofs, driveways, and other hard surfaces. On the other hand, permeable pavements allow water to infiltrate through surfaces into the ground below, reducing surface runoff.

Complex solutions like detention basins are designed to store water temporarily during heavy rainfall and release it slowly afterward. Constructed wetlands, which are shallow water bodies designed to mimic natural wetlands, can store flood water, promote evaporation, and provide a habitat for wildlife.

In the planning phase, working closely with the Environment Agency and the local authorities can facilitate the approval of SuDS designs and ensure alignment with local flood risk management strategies. It’s important to remember, Sustainable Drainage Systems not only provide flood resilience but also bring environmental and social benefits that enhance the sustainability and livability of our communities.

Drawing the Line: Managing Development in High Risk Flood Zones

While the UK government encourages building resilience into property design, it also emphasizes the need to manage development in high-risk flood zones. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that inappropriate development in areas at high risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk.

In cases where development is necessary, the NPPF requires that it should be made safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere and where possible, should reduce flood risk overall. It also stipulates that all new developments in areas at risk of flooding should give priority to the use of sustainable drainage systems.

In flood plains, or areas next to a stream or river, development should be avoided wherever possible due to the high risk of flooding. Even if a property is built with flood resilience in mind, its location in a flood plain magnifies its exposure to flood risk.

For developers, the best approach is often to avoid flood-prone areas altogether or to make sure that any development in such areas is designed with the utmost attention to flood resilience. This means incorporating all the resilience measures and designs discussed earlier, from understanding the flood risk, using water-resistant materials and elevated structures, to integrating environmental flood mitigation measures and sustainable drainage systems into the development.

The increasing flood risk due to climate change necessitates a paradigm shift in real estate development in the UK. Developers must adopt a proactive, forward-thinking approach to design properties that not only withstand floods but also bounce back quickly from any potential damage.

The challenge is not just about building homes, but creating resilient communities that can adapt to the changing climate. It involves understanding the flood risk, incorporating flood-resilient design features, integrating flood mitigation measures into the environment, navigating the planning and regulatory environment, and managing development in high-risk flood zones.

Admittedly, building resilience comes at a cost. But the cost of inaction, in the face of the escalating threat of floods, is far higher. The benefits of flood-resilient design extend beyond merely avoiding repair costs after a flood. They include lower insurance premiums, improved property value, and better quality of life.

In the end, it’s about safeguarding our homes, our communities, and our future. As we continue to confront the challenges posed by climate change, the importance of designing real estate projects with flood resilience in mind cannot be overstated. After all, it’s not just about building houses. It’s about creating homes that stand the test of time.